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10 Ways to Enjoy Earth Day + Great Kids Books to Help Celebrate!

Earth Day is a great time to connect with nature! Here are ten ways to celebrate and fun reads to go along with this special day!

Earth Day kids activity wish boats Girl Scouts with flowers and hosts leaves

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The blooms on the trees seem to be extra beautiful this year and the air is fresh and clear!

As Earth Day comes upon us, it was a lot of fun to put this post together with both books and activities that celebrate this amazing and beautiful planet we call home!

pink cherry blossoms on a tree branch Earth Day Activities

Some blossoming trees that we saw on our walk in the neighborhood!

With the days gradually lengthening and the colors of spring emerging, it is a great time to get outside and take it all in!

It's also a good time to connect with nature, get inspiration from some great books and tap into your creative and nature-loving side!

Book cover from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss Earth Day books and activities for kids
A classic Earth Day book!

We've put together both books and activities to go along with Earth Day that are fun for kids and help them feel connected to the earth!

Stories are a terrific way to round out the experience and make a great jumping-off point for any of our activities!!

Lorax sculpture Dr. Seuss Earth Day activities for kids

This Lorax likeness can be found in the Sculpture garden as part of the Dr. Seuss Museum!

Read on for great books to read and fun ways to appreciate nature and celebrate Earth Day!

Nature Scavenger Hunt Earth Day activities for kids

10 Ways to Enjoy Earth Day

+ Great Kids Books to Help Celebrate!

1. Go For a Hike or Walk!

family on Nature walk Earth Day activities for boys and girls

Whether it's in your own neighborhood or on a hiking trail, it's a great way to appreciate nature, take in the fresh air and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of the great outdoors!

Grandma Gatewood Hikes the Appalachian Trail picture book cover of grey-haired woman hiking with mountains behind her

(Above) Grandma Gatewood Hikes the Applachian Trail is an impressive non-fiction picture book about a remarkable woman that hiked the Appalachian Trail by herself!

Read more about it here!

Sometimes we get organized, pack up the car and head out for a scenic hike...

Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable Earth day activities for kids

earth day activities Nature Scavenger Hunt

...and sometimes we just keep it local and walk to a pond in the next neighborhood!

geese on pond Earth Day activities for kids
We love walking to this pond and seeing the ducks and geese!

Either way, the exercise, fresh air and sunshine are invigorating! Being free of distractions is an added bonus!

We walk, talk and just focus on what's right in front of us! It's a great stress release!

Looking for someplace to hike? Visit this site for plenty of hikes to check out!

2. Make a 'Wish Boat!'

We made these 'Wish Boats' several times over the years with different groups of kids and it was such a hit!

It really doesn't have an age limit and older kids and teens loved it just as much, if not more! than the younger kids!

These wish boats are super fun to put together and so pretty!

Wish boats with leaves Girl Scouts Earth day activities for boys and girls

They are made out of all natural materials and are such a symbol of hope and beauty. Be sure to take photos! This is one for the memory books!

Make a wish then launch your 'boats!'

leaf wish boats in water Earth Day activities for kids and homeschool

Visit our How to Make Wish Boats for all the steps for this favorite outdoor activity!

Because the boats and their contents are all natural, they are the perfect activity for Earth Day!

3. Enjoy Bird Watching!

boy bird watching Earth Day Activiites for kids

Did you know that bird watching is good for your health? Not only is it interesting and a fun hobby, but it also has health benefits.

Researchers from a London University have found that bird watching helps people feel relaxed and connected to nature! Click here for the complete article!

Become a bird watcher for the day - or just half an hour or so! Watch those beautiful and captivating winged creatures and feel your stress just fly away!

Looking for some fun book connections to go along with your bird-watching? Here is one of our absolutely favorite titles!

Franny B Krant Bird book Earth Activities for kids

Franny B. Kranny is one of our very favorite picture books! It's super funny and the illustrations are terrific! It's a great book to go along with this activity!

Love learning about birds? Here is a link to some of the best bird magazines!

4. Build a Fairy House!

Your fairy house doesn't have to be complicated or super fancy, just a humble little structure will do!

We saw this delightful creation just yesterday while taking a walk!

This humble fairy home was super cute and made of all natural materials!

little fairy house made of bark and a little stone Earth Day Activities

We've made a few fairy houses in our time and the process is super fun!

Just like the wish boats above, aim for using all natural materials like bark, twigs, leaves, flowers, pine cones, and small pebbles (for walkways), etc..

Fairy Houses...Everywhere is filled with plenty of inspiration! The structures are very cool and it's lots of fun to look through!

Fairy house book Earth Day activities for boys and girls

Oh, and you can rename this activity if you're aiming for wider appeal and have kids that aren't into fairies!

It could be a home for a frog, chipmunk or some other small creature!

There are so many great books out there to spur on the imagination...!

Disney Fairy books Earth Day Activities for boys and girls
There are plenty of fairy books to choose from!

Be sure to take a picture of your fairy house and tag us @mykidzbookshelf if you post it! We'd love to see your creation!

Visit our Fairy Garden post for more inspiration!

5. Enjoy a Favorite Outside Activity!

Whether it's going for a bike ride, drawing with chalk or smelling the flowers, celebrate Earth Day by getting outside and enjoying it all!

chalk drawings on sidewalk Earth Day activities for kids
We had to stop and take a pic of this fun sidewalk creation!

Whether you love to bike ride, go to the park, take your dog for a walk or just enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, Earth Day is a great day to appreciate it all!

6. Go On a Scavenger Hunt!

Man with kid on shoulders nature walk for Earth Day kids activity

There are a few ways to do this. Pick the one that works for you!

Make a list of things to look for in nature and check them off after you see them - a bird, squirrel, pine tree, pink flower, buds on a tree, etc..

The older the kid, the more specific you can be. For a younger child, just have them spot a bird, but for older kids, have them look for a type of bird, or specific tree, etc.

Nature Scavenger Hunt Earth Day activities

Another way to do a scavenger hunt is to bring along a bag or container and have a list of small things to gather such as a leaf, small grey pebble, pine cone, flower, twig, etc..

Lastly, a photo scavenger hunt is a great way to keep the memory too!

Make a list - same as above and take a photo of the child with his/her find!

It also helps expand your scavenger hunt list! You could add:

-Take a pic of a cloud that looks like an animal,'

-Take a pic of the tallest tree,'

-Take a pic of a squirrel,' etc..

7. Make an Earth Day Inspired Snack or Dessert!

Whether it's 'Ants on a Log' or 'Dirt and Worms,' sweets and treats are a fun way to celebrate!

I Heart Naptime has some fun variations on the traditional 'Ants on a Log' snack!

snack celery ants on a log celery peanut butter blueberries
Photo Credit:

Do you have a favorite snack or sweet recipe that goes along with Earth Day? Share in the comments below!

Book cover of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle shows an illustration of caterpillar with big wide eyes
A great book and perfect for Earth Day!

8. Plant Something!

Every Spring our neighbor plants pansies in her big planter by her front door. Pansies are pretty hardy and can handle the cooler temps of early Spring.

I always admire how beautiful they are! Pansies really start the season off right with their beautiful colors when everything else is still just starting to bud and turn green!

purple viola flowers Earth Day activities gardening for boys and girls
So excited to plant our violas!

This was the year the pansies would be planted! I was determined!

Our local co-op had some gorgeous violas (similar to pansies, but with smaller blooms) waiting there for me!

I was super excited! So, several viola plants came home with me and actually made it into to the dirt! Success! See above!

Book cover for Miss Rumphius shows woman kneeling down looking at lupine flowers with water, pines, cabin and cliff in background
Every time I look at a lupine, I think of this book!

A great picture book that is both an award-winner and a hit with kids and adults, Miss Rumphius is a perfect read for Earth Day!

Click here (it's number 12 in the list) to find out more about this beautiful story!

10 Fabulous Picture Books for Your budding gardener

Being that Earth Day was coming around the corner, we were motivated to get some veggie seeds planted! I was on a roll after the violas!

Well, luckily we found some packets of seeds that were hiding in the basket by our door that was originally put there to hold mail.

Anyone who knows me (April) can attest that an organized home is an ongoing challenge!

purple crocus flowers and leaves and sticks
We saw these gorgeous blooms peeking up out of the leaves on one of our walks!

I was really excited, though, to find the seeds! They were a few years old, and may or may not sprout, but, I figured nothing ventured nothing gained!

It couldn't hurt to try and sprout them! Speaking of sprouts, Eric Carle's The Tiny Seed is a perfect pairing for Earth Day and adds to your budding gardener's planting experience!

Book cover of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle shows a flower with orange petals.
We love all of Eric Carle's books!

Luckily we had some potting soil left over from last summer- perfect for my three-year-old seeds! I also had just transplanted some violas and had the leftover packs - so that worked for the nasturtium seeds.

And after searching through my indoor recycle bin, I found a plastic egg carton that would be perfect for the string beans and radish seeds!

A normal flower pot was enlisted for the basil seeds I discovered! The cilantro would have to wait.

sprouting plants in dirt in an egg carton Earth Day activities
Success! The seeds were starting to sprout!

If you want an earth-friendly and simple way to start some seedlings, here it is:

  1. Find a plastic egg carton and cut the top off. Don't throw away the top!

  2. Poke a hole in the bottom of each egg cavity for drainage.

  3. Place the top of the egg carton underneath to act as a tray to catch any drained water or runaway dirt.

  4. Fill the cavities with potting soil.

  5. Put two seeds/beans in each cavity. You can put in one, but I had old seeds and wanted to make sure something grew!

  6. Press seeds/beans down into dirt about an inch (check seed packets for specific depth) and cover with soil.

  7. Gently water being careful not to over water- a spray bottle is a handy way to do this for younger gardeners.

  8. Place carton on a sunny window sill.

  9. Keep dirt moist- you don't want it to dry out.

A window sill is a perfect place for your egg carton seedling garden!

In a few days, you should see some sprouting!

sprouting seedlings in an clear plastic egg carton with dirt sitting by a window on the sill

Transplant your sprouts to a vegetable bed or container according to your seed packet directions!

9. Make a Stepping Stone

Stepping Stones are so much fun to do and look great in your garden, next to your porch steps or anywhere you want a little bit of natural flair!

Made with natural materials, these are another perfect all natural craft for Earth Day!

stepping stone mosaic Earth Day activities for kids
A splash of color and fun craft to make!

10. Grow a Butterfly Garden

If you enjoy planting and helping out butterflies and other pollinators, consider planting a butterfly garden!

There are many sites and resources to help you figure out what flowers and plants to include!

Coneflower in gardent close up Earth Day Activities for kids
Butterflies love coneflower and they are very easy to grow!

If you have limited space, you can make a butterfly garden in a container! Plant flowers in large pots on your deck or patio. Here's one great resource to learn more!

Butterfly on coneflower Earth Day Activities for kids

Well, there you have it! Ten great ways to celebrate Earth Day with fabulous books that kids will love!

Be sure to Pin this post so you can return to it for more ideas in the future!

Pinterest pin 10 Ways to Enjoy Earth Day + Great Kids Books to Help Celebrate with pic of girls' hands holding hosta leaf 'wish boats.'

Have a favorite tradition or great idea for Earth Day? Let us know how you celebrated in the comments below!

Know someone who may enjoy these Earth Day ideas? We'd love it if you'd share!

Happy Earth Day!


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updated 04/20/24 originally published 2020


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