The Brain Quest materials are simply some of the very best educational resources available for kids to stay on top of everything they need to learn!
A little disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. The opinions are 100% completely our own.
We have used the Brain Quest materials ourselves throughout our entire homeschool experience. For more information, see our disclosures here.
Whether your home school, or are looking for supplemental learning resources, the Brain Quest Question & Answer decks, workbooks and Big Fat Notebooks are some of the best & easiest ways for your Pre-School through High School student to successfully cover everything they're expected to learn!
We used these materials for our homeschool journey and they were invaluable!!
Regardless if you are looking for a prepackaged curriculum or are curating your own, the Brain Quest Materials are perfect additions to your learning resources!
Looking for more information to assist you with your homeschool route? Be sure to check out these posts!
Finding the right learning materials can make a world of difference whether your student is attending a school or learning at home.
I was a teacher and I'm a parent. I've also homeschooled for over 12 years. So, when I offer up an easy 'Stress-Free Solution,' I'm not playing around!
I equate the educational journey with a going on a trip. There are many ways to get there, homeschooling is one way to do it!
Ideally, you find the route that works for you, but just like going on a trip, sometimes you have to change directions!
If you're looking to try new materials, Brain Quest offers plenty to choose from and they won't break the bank, either!
If you're worried that your elementary or middle school student will have an academic gap, the Brain Quest materials are one very good way to make sure that won't happen!
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Brain Quest Materials
Here are the top 10 reasons that make Brain Quest materials a good choice for your homeschool or classroom experience!
Age and Grade Appropriate
Full Color and Engaging design
Covers a wide range of subjects
Aligned with Common Core Curriculum and fully checks boxes for homeschool
I have a lot of years in education -public school and homeschool- so, I wouldn't lead you astray!
Do I know it all? No. But, I know a few things and would only recommend something that was successful and that I think would be helpful for others.
Time is precious; I try to go with what works!
I've had many people over the years ask about what materials we've used to home school. Fortunately, in this day and age, we have unlimited resources.
Between the internet, public libraries, programs at museums and online support groups, there really are plenty of resources to choose from and plenty of people to help.
The internet is teeming with options, books are plentiful and home school support groups are filled with parents ready to answer any and all questions you may have.
Out of all the materials that we've used in our home school experience over the past ten years, Brain Quest publishes some of the very best materials that I would absolutely recommend.
These materials will enable your child in Pre-K through High School to confidently finish out the year and not have to worry about falling behind.
The Brain Quest decks, workbooks and middle school 'Big Fat Notebooks' do it all and they do it well.
They are comprehensive, affordable, easy to understand, and dare I say it? Fun!
The Brain Quest Q & A Decks
The well-designed Brain Quest Q & A decks are age appropriate and engaging. The decks are also colorful, portable, and easy to use to catch up, review or expound on a teachable moment.
These decks are more like fun trivia games that have curriculum based questions. Each deck covers the subjects and content that kids are expected to know for each grade.
We used to sit at the kitchen table or on the couch, and flip through the deck. We'd do about 5 cards at a time. We even brought the Brain Quest decks along on car drives.
Even though they are academic and curriculum driven, the full color design and graphics make it fun!
There are Brain Quest decks for each grade as well as subject specific Q & A decks for Reading, Math, the Presidents, America and even Brain Quest for the Car!
Great to do with a parent, sibling or even alone, each deck makes learning a trivia game... and less like a requirement that has a test at the end of the learning tunnel!
The subjects and number of questions depend on the age/grade. See below for a breakdown of the subjects covered:
* Miscellany = Anything from the arts, internet-related questions, an extra subject specific question - it's truly miscellaneous!
Subjects for Question and Answer Decks
Grade 1 - Reading, Math, Language Arts, Science, Miscellany
Grade 2 - Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Miscellany
Grade 3 - Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Miscellany
Grade 4 - English, Math, U.S. History, Science, Geography, Miscellany
Grade 5 - English, Math, History & Civics, Science, Geography, Miscellany
Grade 6 - English, Math, History & Civics, Science, Geography, Miscellany
Grade 7 - English, Math, History & Civics, Science, Geography, Miscellany
*There are also supplemental question decks for Grades 1, 2 and 3 for both Reading and Math.
The Brain Quest Workbooks
There are now workbooks for Elementary and Middle School. See below for more details:
The Summer Workbooks are great for staying on top of things and preventing that 'Summer Slide!'
They are super fun, colorful and available for kids going into Kindergarten up to kids entering sixth grade.
The Summer Workbooks are filled with full colorful activities, exercises and games that will help kids remember what they've learned!
The Brain Quest year-long workbooks are fabulous if you're looking for a workbook that is comprehensive and has curriculum-based learning for each of the required subjects.
Now, I know there are PLENTY of online & interactive resources out there. We've used them too! But, sometimes, you just want to get away from the screen!

Putting pencil to paper can sometimes be a little more relaxing and less distracting than the computer where it's easy to be led astray by social media, YouTube or some other interesting topic! (I'm really referring to myself, now!).
Each leveled workbook contains specific subjects that are appropriate for each grade.
The pages of each workbook are also color-coded by subject so you can easily navigate the book to find whichever subject you want to go to.
Just like the Brain Quest decks, the workbooks are colorful, well-designed and cheery!
They also present information in fun ways without being boring, too hard or too easy - this is the workbook equivalent of Baby Bear's porridge...just right!
The Brain Quest 'Big Fat Notebooks!'
These Big Fat Notebooks belong on every bookshelf! They have it all and are now available for Middle School and High School subjects!
They're great references, terrific for review and work well if you need to brush up on some of your subjects.
A Few Reasons Why We Like The Big Fat Notebooks:
Comprehensive - They cover it all!
Great size - portable
Aligned with Educational Standards
Fun Format - Visually Appealing and Interesting
Great reference book (for both older kids and adults!)
The Big Fat Math Workbook has plenty of exercises to help with those math skills!
The Brain Quest High School Study Guides
Just like the middle school Big Fat Notebooks, the High School Study Guides are comprehensive, align with standards and are visually appealing.
The following High School study guides are also available:

So, if you're thinking you need a little something to help keep things on track, the Brain Quest materials are a wonderful resource to have!
They have everything that needs to be covered all in once place!

Not only will they keep your kid from falling behind, but they're fun, too! Now that's the way we like to learn!
Be sure to Pin this post to make it easy to return to and see more of these great resources!
Have any tips to help keep kids stay up to speed with their school work? Be sure to share in the comments below!
If you're looking for more great resources for your homeschool curriculum, be sure to check out our post: 25+ Best Homeschool Resources and Materials to be Successful!
Know someone who may benefit from this post? We'd love it if you would share!
Thank you so much for reading!
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Interested in homeschooling or know someone who's curious? Take a look at this post that will help you get started on your homeschool journey!
Want to make sure you're also having plenty of fun while learning? Take a look at our super cute and colorful printables!
Updated 03/06/2024 Originally published 06/05/2020
Hi vonsamson43!
Thanks for reading and I'm glad the post was informative! The Brain Quest materials are used by parents and teachers alike and are acknowledged as solid learning resources - whether it's at home or in the classroom.
Brain Quest materials are aligned with the Common Core curriculum - which, as of this writing, is the curriculum that is followed by 41 states.
If it's a home school situation, the parents can choose Brain Quest as part of their curriculum- home school families have control over which materials to use and curriculum to follow.
Regarding public/private schools, classroom materials/texts/curriculum for the year will be established prior to the beginning of the school year and is something that the teachers/administrator/school…
I believe the home learning (Brain......) post was very informative. I do have a question. Will the teachers (doing virtual education) accept this material that you suggested? Or will the child/parent need teacher approval of this info prior to becoming active on this method/style of learning? Thanks.