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The Mermaid by Jan Brett - A Magical Picture Book Feature + A Mermaid Craft!

The Mermaid by Jan Brett will enchant all who read it with its delightful under-the-sea retelling of a classic story!

The Mermaid by Jan Brett picture book for girls magical plus a craft

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The Mermaid by Jan Brett is one picture book you won't want to miss! It features a fabulous tale and illustrations that will make your mermaid fan want to read this book again and again!

Looking for more books featuring mermaids? Take a peek at our Fairy Tales With Fins: 15+ Magical Books Starring Mermaids!

Being mermaid fans ourselves, we had a lot of fun putting this post together!

We've included fun ideas and a Mermaid Craft for kids to enjoy after reading this gorgeous picture book!! Perfect for a Mermaid-themed party, book extension or just a way to spend time with your mermaid fans, these activities are super fun!

The Mermaid by Jan Brett picture book for kids with ocean scene and mermaid

Mermaids certainly seem to always be in style!

Along with unicorns, fairies and rainbows, mermaids tend to pop up in everything from crafts and costumes to jewelry and books!

Jan Brett The Mermaid book cover with mermaid swimmin underwater in the ocean

The Mermaid by Jan Brett is the perfect book for mermaid lovers!

While this book is right on time trend-wise, its classic story and beautiful illustrations will also make it a timeless addition to your bookshelf!

The Mermaid by Jan Brett illustration page with shell and coral

When a young mermaid named Kiniro happens upon a pretty house in the ocean with nobody at home, nothing can prevent her from taking a closer look.

Once inside, she finds a delicious breakfast waiting, along with comfy beds and other lovely furnishings!

Jan Brett holding book Cinders talking Cenzia at book signing
We had the pleasure of meeting Jan Brett and getting our books signed a few years ago!

The home does have residents, though, who have been out for a swim. They also happen to be an octopus family!

What happens next is both sweet and funny- a magical version of a favorite fairy tale!

page from Jan Brett's book The Mermaid shows Octopus family outside their home in the ocean

little girl dressed up as a mermaid for Halloween
Yes, I went through the mermaid phase too!

Finished reading this fabulous book? Or want to do a little prep before diving into the story?

Have some fun with these great ideas that go along with The Mermaid by Jan Brett!

1. Try this Mermaid Craft!

This craft is very simple and fun!

This was inspired by and adapted from one of the Usborne Activities books, How to Draw Fairies and Mermaids by Fiona Watt, Jan McCafferty & Howard Allman.

It's a great book that has so many fun ideas! It's a must-have for the all of those creative mermaid fans out there!


1. Cut out a piece of foil in the shape of a mermaid tail.

2. Rub the foil length-wise with fingertip to make pattern.

tin foil on cheese grater to make mermaid tail diy mermaid craft for kids

3. Trim the foil at the top of the tail to resemble a bodice.

Mermaid tail out of foil diy mermaid craft for kids

4. Glue the tail onto the paper.

5. Draw your mermaid!

Use a thin marker or pen for her face, hair and arms, then fill in with watercolors or brush-tipped markers.

drawing a mermaid face with tin foil tail mermaid craft

Display your mermaid!

Here Are Our Mermaids!

We found this pretty scrapbook paper at Joann's and made it their under-the-sea background!

Mermaid craft for kids summer fun

More fun ideas to go along with the Mermaid theme!

2. Have a Beach Day!

Pack a picnic, bring a beach ball, and head out to a lake or beach near you!

Don't forget to print out our Beach Day Packing List free printable to help you get organized!

Beach Day Packing List free printable

two girls playing in sand at the beach fun things to do in summer

Don't live near water or it's a bit too cold? Well, another option is to...

3. Visit an Aquarium!

school of fish underwater at an Aquarium

It's a super fun (and educational!) way to spend the day! You can even do a virtual tour as well!

Click here for a great online visit with a giant octopus!

4. Play 'Sharks and Islands'!

This quick and fun game is a great icebreaker too!

Number of Players: 2 or more + 1 'Captain'

How To Play:

  • Put sheets of paper out on the floor -these are the 'islands.'

  • If you have only 2 players, put out about 6 papers; if you have a lot of players, put out the same number of papers as you have players.

  • The Captain runs the game and tells everyone to "Swim! Swim!"

  • Players pretend to swim until the Captain says, "Shark!!" --then everybody finds an 'island' (paper) to stand on!

  • Then, take one paper away.

  • Repeat "Swim!" - "Shark!" from above, taking away an island each time.

  • Eventually, there won't be enough islands for everyone and they'll have to cram onto one island! *Whomever falls off is out and the game just keeps going until it makes sense to stop!

5. Enjoy some Ocean-Inspired Treats!

sand dollar sugar cookies on a plate snacks for Little Mermaid fan

Use your favorite sugar cookie recipe and cut out some stars. Or, round cookies can be sand dollars-just add some slivered almonds and a dusting of sanding sugar! Both options are great for satisfying your sweet tooth!

Or if you're feeling adventurous, try some Seaweed Snacks!

Roasted Seaweed Snacks are Mermaid-Approved!

Mermaid approved snack -Annie Chun's Organic Roasted Seaweed Snack

6. Watch Disney's The Little Mermaid!

The Little Mermaid DVD cover by Disney with Ariel, Flounder and Ursula

While many of you have probably already watched the iconic Disney film, The Little Mermaid, if you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should!

Grab some popcorn, or make some of the sand dollar sugar cookies and enjoy!

We're excited to see the live-action movie of The Little Mermaid starring Halle Bailey in the title role which will be in theaters in a few short weeks!

Enjoyed reading this post? Be sure to Pin it so you can return for more magical mermaid-themed fun and this amazing picture book 'tail'!

The Mermaid by Jan Brett Pinterest pin picture book for boys and girls

The Mermaid by Jan Brett illustration picture book for girls and boys
The perfect 'tail' for mermaid fans!

I hope you enjoyed this little under-the-sea inspired fairy tale adventure!

See you soon and just keep swimming!

Know someone who might like this post? We'd love it if you'd share!


Cenzia 💗

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updated 04/29/2023 originally published 07/16/2019

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