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The Selection Series

By Kiera Cass


Main Character: Female

Recommended Age: 12+


This glamorous, romance/dystopian series is a perfect read for anyone who likes fairy tales- or enjoys a good competition!


In the caste divided world of Illea, The Selection is the ultimate chance for young ladies to win the heart of crown Prince Maxon and have their lives transformed forever.  Many will enter, but only 35 girls will be Selected, and of course, only one crown is to be won....



For America Singer, however, The Selection is everything she wishes least to have, and it would mean competing for a life and crown she doesn't want. Feisty and independent, America has no desire to partake in a race to win the heart of a man she's never met. America is secretly in love already, with a boy she's known all her life, Aspen, who is a caste below her own. Entering only to please those she loves, America is shocked to learn she's been Selected, and finds her life turned upside down in the blink of an eye.


Moving to the palace with the other girls, America is swept up in a life of intrigue, luxury, and, of course, meeting Prince Maxon. As time goes on and the selection narrows down, America starts to question if the future she once wanted is the one she wishes for still . 

Readers will follow  America's story to its last, wondering if she'll get her happily ever after, and determined to see who'll finish the Selection with the crown in hand!

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The Selection Series are wonderful books whether you like dystopian  novels or are looking for a tale with dazzling jewels, elegant gowns and romance to add a little zest to your week!




Loved the books? Have a little  fun with these ideas:


1. Experiment with fashion design!

Be a fashion designer! Sketch /draw an outfit you'd want to wear, or cut out images from magazines, and create a mixed media clothing 'line'!



2. Enjoy Some Pastries!

America's sister loves her sweets! When she arrives at the palace, with it's endless pastries, America thinks of her sweet-toothed sister! Want to make your own decadent dessert? Go here for a tasty recipe you might like to try:


3. Learn to Speak Spanish!

In the world of the Selection, it's common to speak several languages fluently. America can speak Spanish and some French, and you might want to try your hand at a foreign tongue as well! Duolingo is one great app to use.


4. Jewelry and Gemstones.

Naturally, in a book with royalty, there will be some pretty fabulous jewelry described! Visit here to take a look at some iconic jewelry!




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We're April and Cenzia, the mom and daughter duo behind My Kidz Bookshelf! Thanks for  stopping by! We love to read, review, and do fun stuff too!

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